What Happens When MEN Finally Speak Up About Assault (Part 2)| episode 30

March 4, 2025
In Part 2, Brian shares what life was like after being dishonorably discharged from the Marine Corps and failing to receive any help because of his discharge. He discusses what it was like trying to cope with alcohol and promiscuity during college and then having his mental health fall apart while in a corporate role. His life changes when he stumbles across an article from GQ that told the stories of men who had the same experiences. 

Trigger warning (3:35 - 25:37): in-depth article of male survivors of MST and their emotional pain and life struggles, trying to navigate the lengthy legal process and changing discharge status,  having to explain discharge status to others/re-traumatization, mentions of drug use and misconduct resulting from MST, alcohol abuse, promiscuity, mental health struggles,  flashbacks.

Episode Resources:

  1. Brian’s Website: 8BMedia.com

  2. Read the full Show Notes blog post here: Surviving Assault Secrets: The Stunning Repercussions For Men That Speak Up (Part 2)

  3. GQ Article: https://www.gq.com/story/male-rape-in-the-military

  4. Need help processing this episode or want to talk? Join us at The Advocates of MST Facebook group for support.

  5. If you are in crisis or need immediate support, call the Veterans Crisis Line: dial 988, then 1

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episode 29 | Brian’s Story (Part 1)

episode 31 | Brian’s Story (Part 3)

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