BIG VOICE MST | Podcast News Update - March 7

Hey Madvocates,

We went viral!

I decided to share my story of overcoming Military Sexual Trauma and how that led to working at James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital on YouTube. Within hours, the video exploded in views, subscribers, and comments. And that means so much more visibility to our community and its mission. And yes, I did lose my job because of DOGE, but the blessing that came out of it was finding so many resources that the VA and many nonprofits offer globally. Setbacks are also opportunities if you change the way you think about them. Oddly enough, the story from episode 11 where Maggie and I share our nightmare from DeBakey VAMC put me on the path to this show and to you!

Now on to The BIG VOICE.

Here’s the reality. The stories in this post may be difficult to read if you are a survvivor of MST. If you have experienced MST or are triggered by discussions of sexual assault in the military, please prioritize your well-being. However, it’s so important that we continue exposing these issues because they are not rare—it happens far too often in our armed forces, veterans' communities, and military installations worldwide.

These are not isolated events. Reports of sexual assault in the military continue to rise, with service members and veterans often facing retaliation, lack of justice, and long-term trauma. While many of the headlines focus on incidents in the U.S. military, this is not just an American issue—military sexual trauma is a global crisis. Service members from Canada, the UK, Australia, and beyond have also come forward with their experiences, and some of the articles in our BIG VOICE posts will reflect that as they make the news.

We must demand accountability, stronger protections, and real change within the Department of Defense, VA support systems, and international military organizations. No matter where it happens, MST survivors deserve justice, support, and a culture that refuses to tolerate abuse.

If you or someone you know is struggling with MST-related PTSD, depression, or suicidal thoughts, please reach out. The Veterans Crisis Line is available 24/7—just dial 988, then press 1 for confidential support. You are not alone, and your voice matters.

Read the article here:

Maine lawmakers look to shore up supports for survivors of military sexual trauma 

Maine Morning Star
By Emma Davis

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle urged the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee to provide funding to increase services for both active duty military and veterans who are survivors of sexual assault and harassment.

The Legislature approved one of these measures last session, which aims to fund military sexual trauma liaisons, however end-of-session procedural scuffles resulted in it ultimately failing to become law. 

Rep. Morgan Rielly (D-Westbrook) re-introduced that initiative this session, along with another bill aimed at lowering barriers for survivors who already have a military protective order and are seeking the additional protections available through Maine’s courts. 

While there was no opposition during Wednesday’s public hearing on the renewed push for liaisons, the plan to streamline Maine courts’ abilities to consider military protection orders when ruling on abuse or harassment cases was opposed by the state’s judicial branch, representatives of which argued the change would negatively interfere with a defendant’s due process rights. 

VA’s latest report shows veterans suicide remains a national epidemic

By Ray Zardetto

The latest report by the Department of Veterans Affairs about veteran suicide is a mixed bag of progress and setbacks, but the report’s bottom line is that the suicide rate for veterans remains at epidemic levels nationally.

The 2024 National Veterans Suicide Prevention Report was released in December and covers the years 2021-22. The report provides the most recent trend data and recommends seven focus areas critical to combatting veteran suicide.

According to the report, in 2022, there were 6,407 suicides among veterans, an average of 17.5 suicides every day.

Those at the forefront of fighting veteran suicide in New Jersey believe the estimate is low because it is difficult to account for all veterans.

Read the article here:

Military leaders have failed to create inclusive culture for women, time for accountability

Forces News
Former Royal Navy Commodore Steve Prest

The coroner's inquest into the death of Gunner Jaysely Beck concluded on 20 February, with him determining she took her own life.

Failings and breaches of its own policies in the Army's handling of a previous sexual assault upon her had made her reluctant to report her later line manager when he then subjected her to sustained harassment, leading to her suicide.

This tragic case, and the airing of the details in public, have led to many currently serving personnel and veterans sharing their own stories of harassment and sexual assault at the hands of their colleagues via Fill Your Boots (@militarybanter), a social media account run by a paratrooper veteran called Alfie Usher.

Read the article:

Jaysley Beck is not alone. We’ve found systemic sexual abuse in UK military

By Ethan Shone and Cian Norris

The details that emerged from Jaysley Beck’s inquest last week were truly horrifying. But for our journalists, who have spent much of the past year investigating the extent of sexual abuse in the British military, they were sadly not surprising.

Nineteen-year-old Beck took her own life in her room at Larkhill Barracks on 15 December 2021. A coroner has now ruled that the army’s handling of her complaint about a serious sexual assault played “more than a minimal contributory part in her death”.

Among the disturbing findings we have made in the past year was the fact that a quarter of cases heard in the military courts since 2018 related to sexual offences, with 77% of men tried for rape in court martials found not guilty – compared to around 30% in civilian courts.

We have also exposed how hundreds of men have been sexually abused while serving, and how the armed forces are failing to enforce their zero-tolerance policy designed to prevent sexual abuse abroad. And we told the story of Jessica, who faced a 22-year fight for justice after being abused as a child growing up on a British Army base.

Read the article:

Yes, these stories are difficult to read, but survivors know that are even more painful to live through. MST is a crisis that affects service members and veterans across the globe, and the best way to demand change is by refusing to stay silent and call for accountability. Too many have been forced to endure their pain in isolation and shame. Survivors deserve justice, accountability, and unwavering support—not just in the United States, but worldwide.

If you’re in a mental and emotional space to share your story, I encourage you to take action. Speak up, share, and support the fight for change.


Surviving Assault Secrets: The Stunning Repercussions For Men That Speak Up (Part 3)


Surviving Assault Secrets: The Stunning Repercussions For Men That Speak Up (Part 2)